High definition
High quality images for any application
Hy-Scan is the ideal tool for all clinical applications – endodontics, implants and implant surgery, periodontics, detection of caries – always producing the best high definition images with 34 pixels/mm resolution.
The scanner is compatible with four plate sizes for the capturing of :
(0) paediatric
(1) periapical
(2) Bitewing
(3) Long bitewing
images with 30μm pixel size
User-friendliness and maximum workflow efficiency.
Hy-Scan has a servo-assisted system that accepts and scans in a fully automatic (TOUCH-FREE) manner the exposed plates, detects the size, uploads the image to a PC and deletes data from the plate making it ready for the next scan.
Take X-rays with the desired plate size via user-friendly positioning and, if necessary, book the networked scanner. Capture high definition images by inserting the plates one at a time. The images are then transferred to the local PC and/or sent to the client who booked it, ready to be consulted, shared and stored with iRYS software (or other viewer), printed and e-mailed.
Import data quickly thanks to the ethernet connection.
Save and display captured images on the PC using the all-in-one iRYS diagnostic software with the convenient iPad viewer app and with any other control programme or image viewer equipped with a TWAIN or DICOM interface.
Simplicity and quality
A compact, fast and easy to use device, producing high resolution intraoral images for consistently reliable diagnostic results.
Thin, flexible, wireless like a film, with 100% active area and without positioning limitations. The plates, ergonomic and thin, are easy to position and offer maximum comfort for the patient.
They are available in four sizes (0, 1, 2, 3), ideal for all clinical applications – endodontics, implants and implant surgery, periodontics, detection of caries – always producing the best high definition images with 34 pixels/mm resolution.